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Recognised as ‘A’ Grade P.U. College by the Dept. of Pre University Education, Karnataka
A Unit of Vidyodaya Trust (R.)
Vadiraja Road, Udupi - 576101, KARNATAKA, INDIA
Phone : 0820-2531021, email:
Comfortable Furniture, Panoramic View and Excellent Acoustics are the hallmarks of our A.C. classrooms. | "Power Class" is introduced where latest technology plays a vital role in achieving two objectives : increasing the effectiveness of instruction and creating a 'chalk-free' classroom. | The advanced laboratories introduce the students to the newer frontiers of Science. Modern and sophisticated equipments stimulate the learners to show greater application. |
The advanced laboratories introduce the students to the newer frontiers of Science. Modern and sophisticated equipments stimulate the learners to show greater application. | The advanced laboratories introduce the students to the newer frontiers of Science. Modern and sophisticated equipments stimulate the learners to show greater application. | The advanced laboratories introduce the students to the newer frontiers of Science. Modern and sophisticated equipments stimulate the learners to show greater application. |
State-of-the-art Computer Science Laboratory (Air-conditioned) consists of 32 computers. Each of the units is complete in itself. One-to-one availability of computers to students, access to the Internet, sufficient Power back-up systems and efficient Lab Assistance are the unique characteristics. E-library facility is provided at computer lab. | A well - stacked library with latest reference books and a collection of good encyclopedia and educational D.V.Ds is open throughout the day. The Library with its calm setting and good ventilation system offers an ideal setting for study. The students are encouraged to borrow / refer the books and make their optimum use. | The LCD Projection Hall (Air Conditioned) is used to facilitate effective learning. |
Healthy and hygienic food is served at the canteen. The constantly-monitored preparation of food aims at a balance of taste and nutrition. | The college encourages a wide variety of sports, games and Athletics. | A spacious playground of 3 acres near the college premises is available for out-door games. The college always tries to make its mark in sports as well as academics. Hence, the upcoming athletes among our students are treated as assets of the institution. |
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